Do You Push Or Pull When Sharpening a Knife?

When you sharpen a knife, do you push or pull the blade? This is a common question with no definitive answer. It really depends on personal preference and what type of sharpener you are using.

Some people find it easier to push the blade away from them when sharpening, while others prefer to pull the blade towards them. If you are using a handheld sharpener, it is generally recommended to push the blade away from you. This allows you to apply more pressure to the blade and get a sharper edge.

When using a honing rod or stone, however, many people find it easier to pull the blade towards them. This gives you more control over the angle of the blade and prevents your hand from slipping. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter whether you push or pull when sharpening your knife as long as you are comfortable with the method and are getting a good edge on the blade.

Experiment with both techniques and see what works best for you.

Do you push or pull when sharpening a knife? The answer may surprise you. Many people think that the correct way to sharpen a knife is to push the blade away from them.

However, this can actually be quite dangerous. If you are not careful, you can easily slice your fingers open. Instead, the best way to sharpen a knife is to pull the blade towards you.

This may feel counterintuitive at first, but it is much safer and will result in a sharper blade.

Push VS Pull results after stropping

Which Way Do You Pull a Knife With a Sharpener?

If you’re looking to sharpen your knife, you’ll want to know which way to pull it with the sharpener. Depending on the type of sharpener you’re using, the process can vary slightly. However, in general, you’ll want to hold the knife at a 20-30 degree angle and pull it towards you.

You’ll want to do this a few times on each side of the blade until it’s nice and sharp.

What is the Best Method of Sharpening a Knife?

Assuming you’re talking about kitchen knives: There are a few different ways to sharpen a knife, but the best method depends on the type of knife you have and your own personal preferences. For instance, if you have a serrated knife, you’ll need to use a different technique than you would for a non-serrated one.

The most common way to sharpen a knife is with a sharpening stone. First, find the right grit size for your knife – a too coarse grit will damage your blade, while a too fine grit won’t do much to improve its edge. Then, soak the stone in water for 5-10 minutes (or follow the manufacturer’s instructions) before starting to sharpen.

To actually sharpen the blade, hold it at around a 20 degree angle and use long strokes along the length of the stone. Be sure to maintain that angle throughout; it can be helpful to practice on an old piece of scrap wood first so you don’t accidentally nick your knife. After 10 or so strokes on each side, check your progress by slicing through some paper – if it’s still not as sharp as you want it to be, keep going!

Once you’re happy with how sharp your knife is, run it under cold water and dry it off before putting it away; this will remove any metal particles from the blade before they have a chance to rust. And that’s all there is to it! With just a little bit of time and effort, you can keep your kitchen knives razor-sharp and ready for anything.

How Hard Should You Press When Sharpening a Knife?

When it comes to sharpening a knife, how hard you press is important, but not as much as some people think. For the best results, use light to moderate pressure. This will help prevent you from removing too much metal and ruining the blade.

If you’re using a honing rod or stone, start with the rougher side first. Work your way up to the finer side if needed. Use long strokes and keep the blade at a consistent angle (between 10 and 20 degrees is ideal).

Again, use moderate pressure and don’t try to sharpen the entire blade at once. Work in sections until you’ve covered the entire blade. If you’re using a manual sharpener, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Some require different angles for different types of knives (e.g., 15 degrees for kitchen knives and 20 degrees for hunting knives). With most manual sharpeners, you’ll want to apply light pressure as you slide the blade through each stage. It’s also important not to oversharpen your knife.

If you can see metal shavings on the stone or rod after a few strokes, that’s normal. But if there are long metal shards coming off with each stroke, you’re taking off too much material and need to back off on the pressure slightly. A good rule of thumb is to stop sharpening when your knife can shaving hair easily – any sharper than that isn’t really necessary (and risks damaging your blade).

How Many Times Do You Pull a Knife With a Sharpener?

Assuming you are referring to how many times you should run a knife through a sharpener, the answer varies based on the type of sharpener. For example, electric sharpeners typically have guidelines that range from 3-5 seconds per side for very dull knives to just a few passes for moderately dull knives. Similarly, handheld sharpeners usually recommend anywhere from 10-20 strokes per side.

Of course, these are just general guidelines and your mileage may vary depending on the specific knife and sharpener you’re using. If you’re unsure, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and go with fewer strokes rather than risk over-sharpening and damaging your knife.

How Much Pressure to Apply When Sharpening a Knife

How Much Pressure to Apply When Sharpening a Knife One of the most common questions we get here at the shop is “How much pressure should I be applying when sharpening my knife?” It’s actually a pretty simple question to answer, but it requires a bit of understanding about how knives are sharpened.

Let’s take a look. There are two ways to sharpen a knife: with a stone or with a rod. Both methods require different amounts of pressure.

When using a stone, you’ll want to apply enough pressure to keep the blade in contact with the stone surface, but not so much that you’re bending or breaking the blade. The best way to find the right amount of pressure is to experiment on some old knives before moving on to your good ones. Start with light pressure and increase it until you find the sweet spot.

Remember, it’s better to err on the side of too little pressure than too much. When using a rod, you’ll want to apply just enough pressure to keep the blade in contact with the rod surface without bending or breaking the blade. Again, start with light pressure and increase it until you find what works for you.

Now that you know how much pressure to apply when sharpening your knife, go forth and sharpen away!

What Part of the Blade Should Come in Contact With the Whetstone During Sharpening?

The part of the blade that should come in contact with the whetstone during sharpening is the bevel. The bevel is the angled edge of the blade that comes to a point. When you sharpen your knife, you want to hold the blade so that the bevel is flat against the whetstone.

Do You Sharpen Both Sides of a Knife

If you’re like most people, you probably only sharpen one side of your knife. But did you know that sharpening both sides of your knife can actually make it sharper? When you sharpen a knife, you’re actually creating a small burr on the blade.

This burr is what does the cutting and it’s usually found on just one side of the blade. However, if you sharpen both sides of the blade, the burr will be removed more quickly and your knife will stay sharp for longer. So, next time you pull out your sharpener, take a few extra seconds to sharpen both sides of your knife!


When sharpening a knife, it is important to know whether to push or pull the blade. Depending on the type of steel and the angle of the edge, you will need to use different techniques. For instance, when using a Japanese water stone, you will want to pull the blade towards you at a 20-degree angle.

However, if you are using a honing rod, you will want to push the blade away from you at a 10-degree angle. Experiment with both methods and see what works best for your knives.

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